Follow the progress of the upcoming Epic Australia WWI Feature Film, Beneath Hill 60 as it goes overseas and onto DVD. From the Development, Pre Production to the Shoot and Post Production up to it's release in the Cinemas and now on DVD and BLU RAY, from Paramount, from August 19, 2010.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Beneath Hill 60 Crew

We had up to 150 cast and crew at Townsville during the filming. 
Since filming they have all dispersed of course, back to their film making homes. 

Some to Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast and as far away as Perth.

We hope they all have places to go for cast and crew screenings scheduled over the coming two weeks, with the build up to National Release on April 15th.

Contact Kirsty in our office if you've been left out for any reason.
She's on Facebook or

1 comment:

  1. Good work everyone involved. I enjoyed your film.
    Hope JH Simms & Co make another Western Front film.


Beneath Hill 60

Beneath Hill 60
Click on the DVD to visit the Official website
