In the Construction Department, Pre Production continues inside the huge industrial sheds supplied by Brad Webb. The workspaces are a hive of activity with builders, painters, props makers, metal workers and carpenters all constructing the props, sets and tunnels.
The Art Department and Construction Team with Bill Leimbach, Producer.
The Art Department Construction Shed
Steve Reid (Props Maker) working wonders with metal.
The giant workshop.
The tunnel set are being constructed ready for shooting in Brad Webb's brand new Industrial shed.
When genuine looking props are too difficult to buy, they have to be made from scratch - like these wooden bottles, to go on the soldiers' backpacks.
Producer, Bill explores the Tunnel sets.
Around corners...
And in the tight spots
Georgie Scott, Producer's Assistant crawls into the tunnels.
Who said being the Producer was all work and no play?
what construction props were used for the set design? would like to know more about your project.